Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sky - U ain't see nothing yet!

A few more words to Sky...

If you are already making tons of money from your bird farm + stock investments...

and if you are really doing so well, there is no need to look into all sorts of other investments..

But if you are still hungry for more $$$$ & still more $$$$$$$...

There are lots more than you can handle in Forex!

Because you ain't see nothing yet...

Only if you have the balls....

Only if you are good enough....

Else.. you loose money faster than you drop your pants!

There are always higher mountains to climb!

And there are also mountains taller than you!

For others who may like to know what else I do...

Humbly... I am a forex trader.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year

Wish everybody here a happy & prosperous Chinese New Year!

Sky's adventure (or misadventure?) shall also draws to a close.

So if somebody pee at the corners of your bird house...

You know who did it!

Don't say I didn't tell you so, OK?

I have no wish to dig further into Sky's blog posts.

If there are interesting material to come, keep me posted at:

Hopefully one day Sky may finally see the "TRUTH" in "Having nothing is better"...

when he get tired of "peeing one leg up"!

Thank you for visiting.

As Life Goes By

A Super EGO by day.....

A happy SOUL by night!

A DICK Head will always remain a DICK Head!

U get wat U pay 4!

Hello doc, this is Sky..
Oh.. hi Sky, didn't expect you to call back so soon....

So are you satisfied with the SIZE?
Yes, but....

Are you ready to swing again?
Yes... but...

Something troubles you, Sky?
Yes... I got a new weird habit!

Wat's tat?
Each time I passed street corners, lamp posts & even wheels of parked cars....
I have the urge of lifting one leg to pee a little...

Why is tat, doc?
I see, tat's normal & can be expected, Sky.

How come?
Your budget affords only an organ from a ladyboy 'Katoey'!
Some more you bargained for 50% discount!
Tat price is one you get from a doggie...
You still get the top of the range... one of a bulldog.

Why didn't you tell me?
Well, it met all your criterias...
Moreover, you indicated preference of doing the 'doggie' style.
So you get wat you paid for!

Any other questions?
OK doc, my consolation is to pee on someone's wheels & not on my expensive shoes.

The Morning After

Wake up to the SATISFACTION

of $$$$ well spent!

See the POWER of $$$
& more $$$$$$$$$$$$$ !!!

SKY - you are not alone

Don't worry SKY,

Don't have to be SHY,

For you are not ALONE!

Just wake up your 'BEST FRIEND'!

More DIYs?

Hmmm... finger work?

Does suction really works?

Try at your peril!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Permanent Fix

Bro, you think Sky really stuck his 'thing' into a vacuum cleaner to enlarge it?
If the suction is strong, it may be sucked out instead, with the balls too! Dangerous right?

Oh, you forgot he lost his balls long time already.
Nah, he is stupid but not that stupid.. he not always DIY as posted anyway.
He may have tried Tongkat Ali or Viagra.. but tat' not a permanent solution..

Then wat?
Transplant, of course!

He has all the $$$$ for the BEST.. BIGGEST
+ shape & color of choice !!!

So you think he goes for tat?
Likely, tat's why need a month off to recover.

More DIY No Brainers

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Getting Desperate?

A desperate situation requires desperate measures!

SKY's DIY way.... to regain manhood!


Don't do it the SKY DIY way!

Don't say I didn't tell you so!

Yep, there must be a better way...

Akan Datang...