The Wheel of Dharma

Bagua- (Dharma wheel)
Sorry folks.. have a break from our usual fun way..
as this might help pull you through a difficult day...
it may do Mr. Shy some good too instead of riding in hiding.
Observe your anger. Observe what your mind contains. Refrain from reacting. This is the first step towards coming out of suffering, advises Vipassana meditation master S.N. Goenka
"Dharma means what your mind contains now. If what it contains is wholesome, it rewards you. If it is unwholesome, it punishes you.
That means, is one keeping one's mind pure, free of impurities, free from negativities? If you keep generating anger, hatred, ill will, animosity and other negativities, you are not a dharmic person.
....It is very difficult to observe objectively. When anger arises, it is like a volcanic eruption, and we get overpowered by it.
When we are overpowered by anger, we cannot observe anger....
One need not do anything except observe.
Do nothing. Just observe.
Don't try to push out your anger. Don't try to push out the signs of the anger.
Just observe, just observe.
Continue to observe, and you will notice that the anger becomes weaker and weaker, and passes away."
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for more information about Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka.
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