An encounter with an elderly tailor came to mind tonight. He was attending to a fussy lady who complained about every trivial fault on workmanship she could pin point. I waited for more than 30 mins before she finished and he kept his cool throughout.
OMG, how on earth there are such people around! After she left, I commended him on his patience. He replied with a simple line, "One strain of rice feeds a hundred different people". Wow, very true indeed. I was most impressed with his humility and profound wisdom. How many such people are around I thought?
Indeed people watching has become one of my favorite past times. People are just fascinating and amusing.
There was a time when the swiftlet forum at Lowyat was transformed into a "Muay Thai" boxing ring where trader, consultant & anonymous imposters traded ugly kicks & punches at each other - one on one. These are all well educated people, much more than the humble tailor. Being a lame audience, I watched with amusement from the ringside.
As the storm blew itself over, another episode continued. Next round was more like a WWF ring where a Superstar (no other than Sky) took on a bunch of Pro wrestlers. This was even more entertaining, is this guy smart or stupid? Well in truth, he does has a smart side + stupid ways to go with it. The ending was predictable, he took on more than he can handle. He was thrown over the top rope like in Royal Rumble. But being a hard core superstar, such hard landing is just another day. So are smart people wise?
I believe many are familiar with the stories there. For those who like to have a read, this is the link (go backwards through the thread)
In any case, a mad dog that barked and bit everybody in a civil society will be shot eventually and put to sleep.
Well, tat's is the end of the story so I thought, but how wrong tat was! His legacy continues by taking on Harry in his own blog.. eh, another blog featuring Sky can be interesting leh. So we swiftlet ranchers can have some laughs ma. Don't be so serious all the time learning only to pampers the birds. If he gain fame in the process, good for him loh. After all he professed to be famous only in JB & Singapore.
Internet put him now on the world stage. If you Google search with "swiftlet humor" key words, this blog comes out top in about 910 listings to my surprise. This is not a self congratulation, how many "nothing better to do" people like me will try such a search?
The funny thing is Sky thought I am Harry in disguise or a friend acting on his behalf. He don't know Harry is scratching his head just as much where Walet.funny come from!
My wish is we can co-exist harmoniously. Swiftlet ranching should be a relaxing occupation to enjoy ma. Why all these animosity towards each other for wat? Better we all can play, play together right?
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