Words from the hearts of Walet.funny & Walet.humor
Well, think I have poke enough fun at Sky over the past postings. I also believe he is open minded enough taking as pure humor without offense. As he asked Harry not to be angry... so I ask the same of him. If he does.. then please be angry with NOBODY.
Some may wonder am I wasting my time here.. nothing better to do ah? As I said each of us have different motives and objectives. So long as I am happy doing this.. OK wat?
Frankly it is Sky that prompted me to start blogging, in particular his treatment of Crazybird. That to me is the UGLIEST side of him. Crazybird was desperately appealing for help and advice and the way Sky treated him was so unkind.. may be his ego was bruised. I wonder how one who can quote Buddha's (No Cows philosophy) behave like tat!!
But thanks to Sky I picked new skills along the way. Like using the Visitor Statistics counter... I did picked it up from his blog. Copy cat is OK.. nothing wrong if you learn something in the process.
My other observations of Sky:
Overall he is not a bad person, I see nothing evil in him so far. He does has strong believes and convictions and stand by it, some times to the point of stubbornness with display of arrogance. I like his view we Chinese should not fight Chinese and encourage all to join the swiftlet farmers associations for unity and strength. But how many out there really bother and heed his advice? I do share his views about the many so-called CON-sultants lurking out there.
When I say he has diverse interests and is knowledgeable, I do mean it. He also demonstrates thinking out of the box ability in his postings. Truly he is a smart & remarkable person.
Like all humans, we have our failings.. being blunt (with some arrogance), abrasive and lack of communication skills gained him no favors with others. OK, OK.... no more rubbing salts for now.
As to whether or not I am Harry.. just to make it clear here I AM NOT. I say it categorically here because it affects Harry's integrity & reputation. Joke is joke.. but within limits. My postings should not smear his good name out of Sky's suspicions.
How to prove? Well if we all have good intentions and be friendly to each other (without antagonistic attitudes)... we can have teh tarik together someday, together with Harry of course! But Sky don't bring your double barrels along, OK?
Hope Sky can use this as a mirror to reflect upon himself and change his ways. If there is a paradigm shift as an outcome, then I am most happy. This blog has serve its purpose and achieve its objective.
Walet.humor & Walet.funny (Eh.. we are twins you know)
N.B. we swiftlets always lay 2 eggs, remember?
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