Nothing lah, just kopicat as usual!
Previously Sky told of the "Have nothing" philosophy.
Now the "Do nothing" way.
Buddhism has so much wisdoms from "Nothing" to "Emptiness"!
Sound so profound the concepts to grasp - I would have gone completely blank inside.

But Buddha saw the Truths through "Nothing" & attained "Enlightenment" under a Bodhi tree.
Now tat's a genius!

Should He had meditated under an apple tree,
He would have also discover the "Law of Gravity" 2,200+ years before Newton!

Oh, now I see why we don't discover "Gravity" in Malaysia!
How come?
If our genius think under a coconut tree, either
1) The coconut don't drop
2) It dropped on his head who won't live to tell the discovery!

No bro, only idiots think under a coconut tree. Our people are smarter, we discovered something else -
The joy of drinking coconut juice!
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