Yea, thinking back you may have "over-done" at poking Sky.
Oh, you mean I "over-cooked" him?
No, you seem obsessed to pin him down always!
Isn't wat he did to Harry too?
Ya, but in the same process your own EGO consumed you!
Yo bro, I always appreciate your keen observation and keep it in check.
See, looks like he may have been "check-mate" this time;

You think it's GAME OVER time?

It's ain't over yet, bro!
Only round ONE, don't know how many more to go!
Sorry bro, you are wrong for the first time!
This is Sky's idea of a "Check" mate,

Sure you bet he is having a "Hell of a time" riding in hiding!
Damn it! I wished he "check-mate" me instead!
See.... he's having the LAST laugh!
Hmm.. but would he still laughs when he removes the BOX?
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