Seen this in our neighborly Thai Kingdom? Wat a subtle & yet deep sense of humor. Don't know which smart guy coined it.. I do salute him. May be a street vendor tried to pass off COPY CAT Rolex to him as SAME, SAME. Sure he is smart enough to know it's different.
Ya.. also remember when some thing comes free, where is the catch? There are so many genuine freebies around we enjoy using beside Swiftlet hotels; e.g. hotmail, gmail, yahoo mail, blog posting sites, You Tube .. list is endless. Does it make biz sense.. Hotmail was bought by MSN for couple hundred millions $, Google bought You Tube for something like 2 billions. Crazy ah!
What don't make sense to us make good biz sense to people that think out of the box. Of course we now know it is advertisement revenue that propel Google to be a top revenue earning company. You can make money too if you employ AdSense on your web site or Blogs (if enough visitor traffic though). Sorry mine got no hope lah, no need to think of it. Who ask u to pick the wrong subject ma!
Well.. internet is also a platform for people to make money in various ways... many of you know already lah. First is to provide information for FREE. Where is the catch? Give you some info enough to wet your appetite, want real info.. pay loh! A very common tactic in the industry. Aren't both Sky and Harry doing the same?
You also see others ways, like direct advertisement (sell Hygrostat/buying raw nest); use the forum to gain exposure (Trader, CON-sultants & Swiftlet equipment suppliers); restricting forum membership to encourage books sales etc. so long as a honest biz.. nothing wrong wat, just a matter of different tactics.
While most are open about it, some cleverly disguise it. Only hyporcrite denies it. Aren't all "SAME, SAME; but different"? Even a 3 year old can tell lah! Wise or not is another matter.
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