Sunday, January 13, 2008

What Swiftlet haven? Alah mak!!!

Oh great, so many swiftlet havens kind Sky has recommended! How not to check it out, stupid right?

Haven no. 3 looks so enticing.. plenty of water around. Must have lots of yummy insects around. The first one I went turn out to be Tasik Kenyir, so far away. But never mind lah, since he listed it, must be worthwhile to take a shot.

But when I got there.. mana ada insects manyak? The lake is deep water.. more fishes than insects lah.... mana ada marshland with plenty of food? So Sky do you know what we swiftlets like or not? Feel deceived man!

Ai ya.. always wonder what is the catch for freebies, only now I know, info posted by half past six people led you down the wrong path. Eh.. sounds familiar leh! Didn't Sky always said that about somebody...hmmm is it Harry? Is that why the Angmoh says "A pot shouldn't call a kettle black"? Our Thai neighbour's version is "Same, same... (but different)"!

Any way since got so far to the east coast, some more agaisnst N.E. monsoon winds; a bit tired. Lucky I know of Tirokswift's farm there. So stop there for a break. Not a bad place I must say, toilet quite clean. Thanks Tirokswift.

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