I think swiftlet farmers, especially CON-sultant type, have many answers... but still like to know more. So I try to shed some light from our perspective.
Firstly most of you don't think like swiftlets! How I know? From the way you people talk lah, of course!!
See.. when we hear all the sweet mating calls from afar, sure we come around to look see, look see. Sex always sells! Then when we see a "DOG kennel" entry.. OMG.... alah mak! Is there a big dog inside? Why some of you make a dog's entrance instead of a swiftlet's one... like going into a cave mah! Got it?
Then there is this Cat enjoying steoreo music on DIY Swiftlet farming guide (is it from Sky's private swiftlet karaoke collection?)... calling other people to "Copy Cat". If you learn by copying a cat's behaviour... tat's another bad mistake lah! We birds are so scared of cats! They are so sneaky, always like to come from behind one. Too late when you find out. Got it again? So dangerous!
There is this story of the "Buddha and the COWS".... His wisdom says "Lucky we have no cows". No cows means no stress & worries ma! Good philosophy and very true! Tat's why He is Buddha, no need to keep cows and swiftlets. But when you apply the wisdom to swiftlet farming, "Lucky we have no birds"? Cannot lah.. if so you people won't bother to learn new tricks.
Look, to be fair to Sky, he tells only half the story (tat's still honesty and no lies). The moral of the story is "Cow sense" tells you to use "bird sense" instead, right? Think and feel like a swiflet coming into your farm. When we fly inside.. (most of the time we like to glide, less energy mah!), the flight path to nesting areas is smooth or not? We don't like doing many left and right turns many times you know; and changing direction suddenly.
I like spacious roving room before I go in to check the the bedrooms... must be well ventilated so not too hot, no air con is OK.
I think you all know the temperature, humidity and lighting conditions already. So no need to 'chiong hei' and repeat here again. Many Con-sultants say less than 1-2 lux! We swiftlets don't carry lux meter around to check you know. So don't get CON there. It is good to get have some light coming in from the entrance. This is like "emergency exit" lights you all have in shopping malls and your office tower blocks. When we get scared.. where to "cha boh" quickly in emergency? Important you know. Also when my babies learn to fly, this is like a light beacon to the outside world.
If a narrow passage way (like a stairway) leading to the bedrooms.. I worry if got space inside to make U-turn out or not. So must make me feel comfortable mah! Better if I feel wide space in front before I go in to explore. Don't worry we need no light to feel our way around.
Then sometimes I find planks are place along my flight path direction.. like tat not convenient ma! Must make another 90 angle turn to perch on it.. so troublesome!
So next time you walk into your farm... think like a swiftlet, OK? The bottom line is.... use more "bird sense" as your common sense.
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